Economic Development Strategy

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The City of Quesnel has contracted Qatalyst Research Group to create a new Economic Development Strategy which will drive the workplan of economic development staff over the next five years. Economic development staff work with other departments and partner organizations on initiatives that support business retention and expansion, workforce development, resident and visitor attraction and other sector specific projects.

Our previous strategy was built on three pillars: Destination Development, Innovative Resource Industries, and Business and Resident Retention and Attraction.

View the 2018 Economic Development Strategy.


To guide the new strategy, the City has enlisted the advice of a Reference Group made up of representatives from sectors (forestry, mining, tourism, technology, education, real estate, and agriculture), organizations we work closely with (Community Futures North Cariboo, Quesnel & District Chamber of Commerce), and governments (Lhtako Dene Nation and City Council).

Over the summer months, the consulting team has reached out to 30 key community contacts to conduct one on one interviews and gather input on how we can strengthen Quesnel’s local economy.

This fall, we’re meeting with focus groups representing key sectors, youth, and City Council to better understand Quesnel’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Your turn

We want your input too! Whether you’re new to the community or you’ve lived here your whole life, we’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you think we should do to support economic growth in Quesnel.

The survey will take 10 – 15 minutes to complete.

Later this year, we’ll also be reaching out to business owners to complete a survey specifically about doing business in Quesnel.


The City of Quesnel has contracted Qatalyst Research Group to create a new Economic Development Strategy which will drive the workplan of economic development staff over the next five years. Economic development staff work with other departments and partner organizations on initiatives that support business retention and expansion, workforce development, resident and visitor attraction and other sector specific projects.

Our previous strategy was built on three pillars: Destination Development, Innovative Resource Industries, and Business and Resident Retention and Attraction.

View the 2018 Economic Development Strategy.


To guide the new strategy, the City has enlisted the advice of a Reference Group made up of representatives from sectors (forestry, mining, tourism, technology, education, real estate, and agriculture), organizations we work closely with (Community Futures North Cariboo, Quesnel & District Chamber of Commerce), and governments (Lhtako Dene Nation and City Council).

Over the summer months, the consulting team has reached out to 30 key community contacts to conduct one on one interviews and gather input on how we can strengthen Quesnel’s local economy.

This fall, we’re meeting with focus groups representing key sectors, youth, and City Council to better understand Quesnel’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.

Your turn

We want your input too! Whether you’re new to the community or you’ve lived here your whole life, we’d like to hear from you. Tell us what you think we should do to support economic growth in Quesnel.

The survey will take 10 – 15 minutes to complete.

Later this year, we’ll also be reaching out to business owners to complete a survey specifically about doing business in Quesnel.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for agreeing to participate in this important survey. Your responses will inform the development of an Economic Development Strategic Plan for the City of Quesnel. The term “economic development” refers to efforts that improve the well-being and quality of life in a community through initiatives that stimulate business growth, create jobs, and support sustainable local economies.

    The questions are designed to understand what you see as the major economic development opportunities and challenges, and actions the government and others should take to support economic growth.

    We estimate that the survey will take 10 to 15 minutes of your time to complete. All information you provide will be kept confidential, used only for the purpose of this study, and reported in summary form with the responses of other survey participants.

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Page last updated: 13 Dec 2024, 08:44 AM